- absence of mind
- рассеянность
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
absence of mind — Inattention to what is going on owing to absorption of the mind in other things • • • Main Entry: ↑mind * * * absence of mind, the condition of being absent minded. * * * failure to concentrate on or remember what one is doing … Useful english dictionary
absence of mind — noun A state or the quality of being absent minded . Syn: absent mindedness … Wiktionary
absence of mind — distraction of one s thoughts, diversion … English contemporary dictionary
Absence — Ab sence, n. [F., fr. L. absentia. See {Absent}.] 1. A state of being absent or withdrawn from a place or from companionship; opposed to {presence}. [1913 Webster] Not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Phil. ii. 12. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
absence d'esprit — (Fr.) Absence of mind. Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
absence — /ab seuhns/, n. 1. state of being away or not being present: I acted as supervisor in his absence. Your absence was noted on the records. 2. period of being away: an absence of several weeks. 3. failure to attend or appear when expected. 4. lack; … Universalium
absence — /ˈæbsəns/ (say absuhns) noun 1. a state of being away: speak ill of no one in their absence. 2. a period of being away: an absence of several weeks. 3. lack; non existence: the absence of proof. –phrase 4. absence of mind, inattention or… …
absence — ab•sence [[t]ˈæb səns[/t]] n. 1) the state of being away or not being present 2) a period of being away: an absence of several weeks[/ex] 3) failure to attend or appear when expected 4) lack; deficiency: the absence of proof[/ex] 5)… … From formal English to slang
absence — noun Date: 14th century 1. the state of being absent 2. the period of time that one is absent 3. want, lack < an absence of detail > 4. inattention to present surroundings or occurrences < absence of mind > … New Collegiate Dictionary
absence — n. 1. Non attendance, non appearance. 2. Inattention, abstraction, preoccupation, distraction, revery, musing, brown study, absence of mind. 3. Want, deficiency, lack, default, defect. 4. Privation, negation … New dictionary of synonyms
absence — n. 1 the state of being away from a place or person. 2 the time or duration of being away. 3 (foll. by of) the non existence or lack of. Phrases and idioms: absence of mind inattentiveness. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L absentia (as ABSENT) … Useful english dictionary